Upper and Lower System

7 videos, 49 minutes

A course on the upper and lower system in the human being and their effects on our body, our movement, and our self-consciousness.

In the first five modules we show you that you don't really have to do much to allow your body to pull you forwards or bring you back. You also see the application of this in eurythmy and gain an understanding how the sound gestures relate to the human being's inner forces and how they function.

In the last modules we go two steps further. We show how the astral body can play with the upper and lower system in the video "Curving around the room." Elementary functions of the I are shown in the video "Being in front - being behind."

In the handout you will find transcripts of the video segments along with all online texts. In addition, the handout contains the chapters

  • I am two
  • Spirit and body - two sides of the same coin
  • Consciously moving the ether

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