Resilience and Strength

Cycles A and B, Run-throughs, Q&A videos and Corona emergency courses

The five exercises that you will learn and that will become more and more impactful to you over time are, in their order, like experiencing a beautiful day of hiking. They touch all aspects of your day.

  • In the morning I have to think about whether the weather is good enough to go, where I'm going, who and what I'm taking with me: Yes and No Exercises
  • When I climb the mountain, I enjoy walking and seeing what moves and lives around me. But I also use the time to think, to take a break and sometimes to be just with myself: Sympathy and Antipathy Exercises
  • At the top of the mountain, I'm happy that I made it. I spread my arms to enjoy the vastness of the landscape in front of and below me. I make sure that I don't fall down out of sheer bliss! Love and E Exercises
  • During the relaxed descent and on the drive home, I experience a quiet peace and satisfaction, how everything in me reverberates and expands inwardly: Hope and U Exercises
  • In the evening and during my sleep I let go. The efforts of the day pass. The exhaustion and tiredness from all the movement are transformed into structure, freshness, and health for the next day: A-H and Reverence Exercises

Exercises that make the rhythmic system more resilient, and the immune system more resistant. They will strengthen your breathing and circulation, and make you more robust to external attacks. Practising them in advance will support you in getting through an infection, increasing your immune defences, allowing a healing fever, and getting your metabolic and digestive systems in balance.

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Bielersee Panorama 2021 AB


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